Sunday 3 December 2006

19 November

Large delivery of manure which I am told is top qualiy stuff! Not knowing much abut it I'll have to take their word for it! Manure was actually delivered last week but never mind! Its sitting happily in a heap waiting to be forked. Can't wait.
Was meant to strim the plot on Saturday but was "forgotten" & apparently strimmer is broken so got on with other things & have moved bits from other plot. Hard to believe how much I accumilated in such a short time.
I was also meant to be putting the shed up but shed man didn't come thorough either so feling more than a little hacked off with the male species who have 100% let me down & makes me feel like I've lost a precious weekend. Never mind. Must try to be more patient but do loathe it when people say they will do things & don't!
Started to do a bit of digging but weather not great & it gets very slippery very quickly so caught up at home...

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