Sunday 3 December 2006

3 December

Getting there! Have had a blissful week pottering and getting bits done. As you can see the gorgeous shed is at the top and I've had great fun screwing on loops to hang things on & organising it! The top right of plot covered with sheeting with another patch to follow just below (ie right side will be covered while I dig the left!). I also have an incinerator (cheap one from B&Q). An extravagence but being unused to bonfires felt it wise to contain my fire rather than set other plots or even my shed, alight!
Everything is now moved from the other plot and I'll met the new owner next week to pass over & show her where beetroot is etc. Feels a relief to be honest, especially when my "helper" turned up...confirmed I'd done the right thing. Quite amazing how much stuff you accumilate though!
First raised bed is done (front right) and is layered with sand, compost & manure, all covered & ready to be dug i in the spring. I am reliably informed that the bank at the top (see large mound behind shed!) is great topsoil & I'll have some fun shifting it but that can wait a while.
Corregated plastic is actually from the next plot and is evidence of the storms that we had (I missed it as fast asleep!) last night. Also blown over were the water butt & incinerator which are now weighed down with large rocks!
Feeling fluey so virtually nothing done today as also needed to get the flat back into some kind of order because it looked a tip!

25 November 2006

At last a reliable man who can put a shed up! Here is friend Karens husband who assisted & I couldnt have done without! Got a shed for £49.99 at B&Q which is not the sturdiest of structures but hey, its cheap & I'm skint! Also had 2 tonnes of hardcore delivered for the parking space (got well & truely stuck last week & had to be rescued by a neighbor...very embarassing!) & some for the base of the shed. Has another helper but he will follow if permission given (I never add people to this unless they allow it - you never know who is reading after all!).
Have been having some probs with my back but have a blissful week off so can get things done a bit more slowly! Plan for the week is to move & settle in t new plot. Bliss!

19 November

Large delivery of manure which I am told is top qualiy stuff! Not knowing much abut it I'll have to take their word for it! Manure was actually delivered last week but never mind! Its sitting happily in a heap waiting to be forked. Can't wait.
Was meant to strim the plot on Saturday but was "forgotten" & apparently strimmer is broken so got on with other things & have moved bits from other plot. Hard to believe how much I accumilated in such a short time.
I was also meant to be putting the shed up but shed man didn't come thorough either so feling more than a little hacked off with the male species who have 100% let me down & makes me feel like I've lost a precious weekend. Never mind. Must try to be more patient but do loathe it when people say they will do things & don't!
Started to do a bit of digging but weather not great & it gets very slippery very quickly so caught up at home...

New beginnings...

New allotment & new blog! Onwards & upwards. ...It's a bit different from the last plot & feels like a different shape! It's 10 perches and on more of a slope than the last one. The soil is also different - much more clay than the other so that will present a challenge in itself!
I met with the secretary, looked at every avail plot & then went for the first one (typical woman eh!!). So the plan is as follows at this stage...steal the greenhouse from next only joking..OK sort of joking..yet again I have plot, shed & land envy!
OK being serious now...where pile of bricks is there is actually a large "hole" - one of the reasons I chose the plot as this will become a parking space as parking is, as always with allotments, at a premium and one of the reasons for a large plot is to have sufficient space for my plans! The width of the plot is just past the bricks to the left & to the fence (with beautiful things next door!). I plan the one side will be veg & the other flowers. Which to be which is yet to be decided!!
I had a drive round the plot and feel I made the right choice to move. Had my first pee on the compostable loo! Slightly bizarre as there is a breeze from below so you almost get air dried while you're there! Boys have to use a urinal & its right on the left as you go in so the almost automatic instinct is to hang your bag on it which I know I mustn't!! Yuck! The loo doesn't smell at all (honest!) and there is a large bucket of sawdust for you to put a handful in when you've done. V. cleaver really although not sure I'll volunteer for cleaning duty...although may as its quite fascinating in a gross kind of way!
The site is huge & right next to a nature reserve so I hope to borrow some frog spawn after I've built the pond. Traffic at the top is noisy as it runs by the main dual carriageway so am thankful I got my plot below where its quieter. All I need to do now is move & start again! On remembrance Sunday I stood, fork in hand & dug & stopped along with many for silence & reflection. As I stood looking at a lovely view, with birds singing and a sense of peace I know I've done the right thing.